Quality in the analysis starts in a thorough dialogue with the customer in order to identify needs and purposes of the study.
Aspecto's approach to quality in market analysis is based on believing that:
• The basic problem(s) governs the design of the study and analysis.
• The correct choice of method and analysis, wording of questions and correct composition of the respondent group ensures a successful study.
• The best possible basis for decision is obtained by selecting 'the right' respondents after carefully selected criteria.
• The respondents should be asked about the necessary – and not everything or too much..
Aspecto do always conduct pilot interviews before full launch to ensure quality and capturing of possible comments/errors/
suggestions for improvement.
If the target group has busy periods (e.g. farmers – harvest, HCP’s (Health Care Professionals) – congresses, parents – school holidays, etc.) Aspecto strive to not conducting interviews in these periods.
Incentives encourage both quality and response rate – which is why we recommend giving respondents incentives as thanks for their inconvenience.
More specifically, the process looks like this:
• Aspecto is briefed either F2F/telecon or by written material.
• Based on the briefing Aspecto prepares a proposal for the project.
The proposal contains information about:
• Background
• Description of the problem(s) the client wish to investigate further
• Specification of the target group and how the right respondents will be found
• Proposed solution
• Proposed reporting unless given in the briefing
• Timing
• Budget
Aspecto is member of ESOMAR, EphMRA and is registered with the Danish Data protection agency “Datatilsynet”.